Schumacher & Jonas



The original idea → 'Decorating' will not be realised due to the early general election in September 2005.



Birgit Schumacher

Uwe Jonas

Birgit Schumacher
(born in 1961)
Uwe Jonas
(born in 1962)

lives in Berlin
City Gate

The circular line of the Berlin S-Bahn lines geographically divides the city into inner and outer sectors, but also serves to define the urban (inner) and the peripheral (outer). In addition, the circular S-Bahn marks the border to the old town, in the southern part of Neukölln, and crosses the area's most important main road: The Karl-Marx-Strasse - with its often changed name - which leads almost straight to the centre of the former West Berlin. At the point where the circular S-Bahn meets Karl-Marx-Strasse, vehicles and pedestrians are sluiced through an underpass. In the central reservation of the underpass is an entrance to the U-Bahn. This entrance is approached from the north, when coming from the old town. Facing away from the city in a southerly direction, the central reservation ends under the S-Bahn bridge in an oval shape and forms an small ugly plateau raised above street level. On this plateau, an old cannon directed away from the city will be put up for a period of four weeks, and the plateau decorated with historicising elements. In this way, the newly established site will temporarily become an historic city gate and an ironic metaphor for the "museum-isation" and "festival-isation" of inner cities.



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